Have you ever noticed that all of the relatives who say “I don’t understand how you live in such a big city” suddenly want to visit once the holidays roll around? Whether you’re hosting guests or just bringing your favorite people together for a festive get-together, you want your plumbing to work flawlessly.
That’s where drain cleaning comes in. Having your drains cleaned in advance of your holiday plans dramatically reduces the odds that you’re going to have to deal with clogged toilets or backed up sinks. (We say dramatically reduced instead of completely eliminate because there’s always a chance somebody’s going to flush their kid’s diaper down your toilet, and that’s when you’ll need to call in your Brooklyn plumber!)
You’ll also want to check your water pressure & temperature with objective eyes. What we mean is we all get used to things are in our house, and they seem fine – but then when Mom is visiting, you realize the water pressure isn’t all it could be or the hot water supply always gives out before it should. You find this out, of course, when she brings it to your attention. Keep visiting parents happy by having your Brooklyn plumber address any issues you have with low water pressure or failing hot water heater.
And while it might not snow on Christmas Day, it’s guaranteed to get cold in New York City during the holiday season. You want to be sure your home’s pipes are protected from cold weather. Insulated pipes are much less likely to freeze.
If you have reason to suspect the pipes in your Brooklyn home are frozen, call your plumber right away. If they can take corrective action before the pipes burst, you won’t have to suffer through the mess, inconvenience and expense of that catastrophe.