“I have told my husband time and time again to scrape the plates,” Aimee said. She was standing over her kitchen sink, which was full nearly to overflowing with nasty water. “There’s something our drains just don’t like about pad thai noodles.” She poured a large bottle of drain cleaning chemical into the sink. “And they don’t give this stuff away, you know – just this month I’ve spent like $70 just on this!”
Commercial drain cleaners may provide temporary relief when you’re dealing with a stubborn sink clog, but they’re not really the best tool for the job. A recurring sink clog is a sign that there’s a blockage caused by accumulated matter that’s just not being addressed by the drain cleaner: often, this is harder food debris, such as bones or gristle, or completely inorganic items, such as a bottle top.
Regular drain cleaning should be part of every home’s regular maintenance routine. Having the drains cleaned annually or even bi-annually can help significantly reduce on the number of clogged drain issues residents experience. However, we’re all human, and it’s just one of those facts of life that plumbing is something most people don’t think about at all until there’s an emergency.
Toilet clogs are the most likely to require the services of a NYC Emergency Plumber. When the toilet backs up due to a clogged sewer drain, there’s an immediate mess that’s hazardous to handle and really nasty to be around. Kitchen sink clogs and clogs in other household plumbing, including the bathroom sink and shower, may not be as immediately challenging, but they are a real headache for the homeowner. You’ll want to have your NYC plumber come right away. Drain cleaners just can’t fix everything. Sometimes you need the drain pipes to be professionally cleaned!