Here you are, cleaning up after dinner at the end of a very long and very busy day. You put the dishes under the faucet for a quick rinse before they go in the dishwasher. Everything seems normal until you realize the water and food scraps aren’t going down the drain the way they usually do. You’ve got a kitchen sink clog! Do you know what to do next? Here’s what NYC plumbers recommend:
To get your kitchen sink draining properly, the first step is to clear any obstructions from the strainer. The strainer is the metal cage-like basket that sits inside the drain hole. Its role is to stop larger objects from entering your drain pipes, where it can accumulate and cause a clog. You may want to wear gloves for this step. Food scraps, the lid liners from milk and juice bottles, and a million other small everyday scraps can be caught in the strainer. Simply scoop this type of debris out and throw it in the trash. If your sink starts draining, great! You’ve solved the problem.
If you’ve cleared the strainer and the water’s still not draining, the issue may be a clog that’s formed in the drain pipes immediately beneath the sink. This includes the trap, the curved pipe that looks like a U. Using a plunger may dislodge a clog. If the plunger doesn’t work, you can try pouring hot water or using a drain cleaning chemical from the hardware store in an attempt to remove the clog. These products can work on some types of clogs, but they don’t fix everything.
If you’ve gone through these steps and the kitchen sink is still not draining, you’ll need to call your NYC plumber. They can use special cameras and other tools to identify the source of your clog. It is very likely that they will recommend drain cleaning, which thoroughly removes all of the accumulated debris that has built up inside your kitchen drain pipes and moves it efficiently along the drainage system and out of your home. You may notice your kitchen sink smells a lot better after you have your drains cleaned! Best of all, your sink will drain the way it’s supposed to.