If you’re a New York City property owner or you operate a business in the five boroughs, you may have been informed that you need a backflow prevention device. Backflow prevention devices are required in any situation where there’s the potential for contamination to the drinking water supply to occur. You may hear the term cross-connection, which is when a potable water supply, which is safe to drink, gets connected with a non-potable water supply. The backflow prevention device is intended to keep the drinkable water and the non-drinkable water separate.
Who Needs a Backflow Prevention Device in NYC?
To read the complete list of properties required to have backflow prevention devices installed, you can click here. The short and simple version is residential properties with sprinkler systems, that have treated water boilers, swimming pools, or rooftop water storage tanks are all required to have backflow prevention devices, as well as many types of businesses.
What are the types of backflow prevention devices?
There are several types of backflow prevention devices, including double check valves, double check detectors, and reduced pressure principle. Your NYC plumber will advise you on what type of backflow prevention device is most appropriate for your particular situation. Be aware that backflow prevention devices need to be tested regularly, generally once a year. This is required in order to protect the public water supply.
What to do if your backflow prevention device fails testing?
If you’ve been notified that your backflow prevention device has failed testing, your NYC plumber is the person to call for help. Depending on the situation, backflow prevention devices can be repaired, but it’s more common that they need to be replaced. Like any part of your building’s plumbing system, components wear out over the course of time, especially if conditions are not favorable. It’s a good idea to choose an experienced commercial plumber to install a backflow prevention device in your business. The good news is backflow prevention devices have a long useful life, so once you have the installation done, you shouldn’t have to worry about this issue again for a long time.