While the desire for Made in America plumbing fixtures remains as strong as ever, when it comes to bathroom design and aesthetic considerations, interior designers here always keep at least one eye on what’s happening in Europe. ISH 2017 is an industry convention being held in Frankfurt. It’s there where leading bathroom designers have identified two key trends that are going to be of interest to anyone who’s thinking about remodeling their bathroom in NYC.
The first trend is originality. Jens Wischmann, head of the German Sanitary Industry Association, said, “The fact is that the desire for originality and self-fulfillment is growing stronger all the time. When we talk about an individual bathroom today, we don’t mean extravagant fittings and furnishings or exceptionally original ideas, but rather a bathroom tailored entirely to its user the space.”
What does this mean to you, as you plan to remodel the bathroom in your NYC home? There are a couple of good points. Wischmann’s thoughts are great news for homeowners who have a budget: rather than paying top dollar for extremely high end fixtures, you can work with your Manhattan plumber to identify the best toilet, sink, and shower configuration for your family’s unique needs. Creating a tailored space means putting your personal preferences in the center of the design process.
Self-fulfillment is the second trend. We live our lives on the go, perpetually taking care of the needs of others – whether that’s in the workplace, with the family, or socially – with real breaks or free time being very rare. But you’re not going to opt out of going to the bathroom. Consciously, mindfully making the bathroom a place that encourages calm, restorative thinking is a top bathroom design trend. This can be accomplished through the use of color, on the walls and floor as well as in towels and linens. Work with your 24 hour NYC plumber to install a new shower unit: many of the nicer models deliver a truly spa like experience. It’s a little luxury that will put your bathroom remodel absolutely on trend.