If you’re interested in saving the planet and you’d like to save serious money on your water bill, you’re going to want to know about having your NYC plumber install high efficiency fixtures. These water-saving devices deliver the performance demanding NYC homeowners are looking for while saving water. While we’re certainly not facing the same chronic drought conditions that are currently plaguing California, Texas, and several other states, it’s important that we’re all mindful about how we use the water we do have and take steps to eliminate waste.
The discussion has to start with toilets. Every home has at least one, and they can be a real water waster. who owns domain . If your toilet was installed before 1994, it can use more than a gallon and a half per flush. Toilet use accounts for up to 30% of the typical family’s water use. Switching to a high-efficiency toilet is simple – your NYC plumber can do the job in an afternoon! – and you’ll be saving over a quarter gallon of water per flush. All those quarter gallons add up, saving you lots of money on your water bill.
If you’re hesitating about making the switch to a high-efficiency toilet because you’re worried it just won’t do the job when you need it to, look into dual-flush toilets. These are super popular in Europe and Australia. A dual-flush toilet has a button that allows you to select how much water is used to flush – a standard amount when you need a powerful flush and the reduced amount for more everyday activity.