Everything is getting more expensive, and water is no exception. New York City’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) raised water rates 2.97% in July of 2015, and there’s a proposed 3.24% increase for 2016. For the average single family household, these combined increases can take a healthy bite out of the household budget!
There’s nothing we can do about DEP rate increases. What you do have control over is how much water you’re actually using. It’s one thing to pay for water for showers, cooking, clean up and the like, but nobody wants to shell out their hard earned money for leaking pipes or water loss due to improperly functioning plumbing fixtures. This is where the value of a NYC plumbing inspection becomes clear.
Many plumbing problems aren’t immediately apparent to the homeowner. You may not even know that you’ve got some compromised pipes that are slowly leaking water within your walls, or a toilet that’s using five times as much water as it needs to on a daily basis. NYC Plumbing Inspections are available for residential and commercial properties, and take into account everywhere the building uses water, including sprinkler systems and the like. Finding leaks and other water-wasting problems can help keep the water bill under control. Once these issues are repaired, no more water be wasted and your water bill should go down.
Another way a NYC plumbing inspection can help you save on your water bill is by assessing current fixtures and, where appropriate, recommending more efficient upgrades. Toilets are notorious water wasters, but many NYC homeowners have already made the switch to high efficiency models. Additional savings opportunities now lie in water saving shower heads, tankless water heaters, and other upgrades. Knowing what the options are gives the homeowner the opportunity to decide if the savings are worth the cost of having the work done. If water rates continue to rise at the 2-3% annual rate we’ve been seeing, the savings may be too attractive to pass up!