“For a while now, I’ve been looking into ways to help make my family happier,” Michelle said. “Reading the books, watching the TedTalks, even going to the therapist searching for some kind of deeper insight. But it wasn’t until I was venting to my colleague – perhaps for the tenth time – about how much drama my teenagers were giving me about having to take cold showers every so often – that I realized our Canarsie NY plumber had a role to play in making our home a more joyful place.”
The Hot Shower: Don’t Leave The Bliss To Chance
Michelle’s family includes her, her husband, and their son, Jacob, 17, and daughter Zane, 15. “One thing our plumber immediately mentioned is that our water heater was undersized. When the house was built, apparently people didn’t shower and do laundry as often as we do nowadays,” the Canarsie homeowner said. “So part of the solution was to replace the water heater with a larger water heater. Right away, we have like 20 additional gallons of hot water available.”
What Size Water Heater Do You Need?
Water heater size is best determined by considering the number of people in your family. Also take into account your family’s water usage patterns. There are some people who shower three times a day. There are some people who shower three times a month. The more water your family uses on a regular basis, the larger the water heater should be.
40 gallons is the practical minimum water heater size for most families. Tanks of 56 gallon or larger being a common choice. If space is a big consideration for your household, talk to your Canarsie plumber about tankless water heater installation.
How Long Do Water Heaters Last?
The expected useful life of a water heater is between 15-20 years. A water heater may work well for a longer period of time if there’s not a lot of usage and the water heater is well-protected from the environment. The water heater’s useful life may be shorter if there’s a lot of usage and the storage environment is sub-par.