“I thought I’d seen it all,” Mark said. “But when my wife’s sister’s kid comes out of the bathroom and says, “Uh, I think I broke your toilet,” I knew it wasn’t going to be good news. I walk in there expecting maybe the seat to be cracked or the handle to have come loose, but no, that would have been too easy a situation to deal with. I don’t know exactly what that kid thought he was doing, but somehow he managed to actually dislodge the whole toilet from the floor. It was shifted entirely out of position. Water was going everywhere. What a mess!”
Mark immediately called his NYC plumber, who talked Mark though the process of shutting off the water to the toilet to stop the worst of the flooding and dispatched an emergency service call. “The process definitely went quicker because I knew who to call,” Mark said. “I called the same plumber we had used during our kitchen remodel, when we had new appliances installed and a new sink put in. It’s good to use a full service NYC plumber for this reason – when I called and said, “Hey, I’ve got a problem!” they were equipped to help me right away.”
Holiday guests are a surprisingly common cause of plumbing problems. Inappropriately flushed items can lead to toilet clogs; garbage disposals get overloaded; the water heater decides to give up entirely…no matter what plumbing problem you experience, it’s ten times worse when you have guests in the house! Prompt professional response to holiday emergency service calls is a must – something to keep in mind with New Year’s Eve right around the corner.