“We’ve inherited this house from my Mother,” Glen said. “And there’s always been a problem with the water pressure, as long as I can remember. The upstairs bathroom is especially bad. You turn on the faucet and you’re lucky to get a trickle of water. I guess for Mom it wasn’t an issue, but now with the family living here, it’s becoming a real concern. What can be done about poor water pressure in home plumbing?”
Poor Water Pressure: What Are the Causes
As Morningside Heights plumbers, we can tell you that poor water pressure generally has one of two causes. Clogs and leaks are the main culprits!
About Clogs: A Common Cause of Poor Water Pressure
We’re going to start with water supply line clogs, as this is a common issue in older homes. The water coming into the home from the municipal supply can carry some particulate matter, especially minerals. These can settle out of the water before reaching the tap. When they do so, they line the interior of the water supply line. This limits the amount of water that can pass through, thereby diminishing your water pressure.
About Leaks: A Common Cause of Poor Water Pressure
Another common cause of poor water pressure is leaking pipes. These leaks don’t have to be major to significantly impede water pressure. If your water bills seem higher than what is typical for your neighborhood, and you have low water pressure, it’s well worth having your Morningside Heights plumber investigate the situation. Leaky pipes can do more than cause poor water pressure: the leaking water can actually damage the structure of your home.
It’s A Good Idea to Have Water Control Valves Checked
There are generally two water control valves to consider with NYC homes – the valve controlling the water supply into the home from the municipal supply, and the main water shut off valve for the home. It is possible that these valves are not fully open, and that can impede water pressure.
Another common concern is the water pressure regulator. These have a useful life of 10-15 years, so it might be time for replacement. Your Morningside Heights plumber will be able to help.