It’s easy to take toilets for granted. They are part of everyday life. However, nothing lasts forever, and there does come a time when a toilet needs replacement. What are the signs a toilet needs to be replaced?
What is the Useful Life of a Toilet?
The internet will tell you a toilet can last fifty years. However, as a Manhattan plumbing service, we can tell you that these fifty-year toilets are far and few between. Pragmatically, we’re seeing toilets that last up to twenty years, and that lifespan can be shorter in busy families.
Leaks, Cracks & Wobbliness Are All Signs It’s Time to Replace the Toilet
Toilets are generally made of porcelain, and porcelain cracks. Big, dramatic cracks will obviously have you calling the Manhattan plumbing service for replacement right away. However, smaller, subtler cracks – the type that result in small puddles forming around the base of your toilet – sometimes go unnoticed for some time. These leaks are expensive, in terms of your water bill as well as the damage they do to the home. In addition, they’re not sanitary. So if this is a problem you are having, toilet replacement is in your future.
Age & Mobility Issues Can Prompt Toilet Replacement
Sometimes the toilet is fine but the people who need to use it are having difficulties. Age and mobility issues, particularly with the hips and lower back, can make using the toilet challenging. One of the best advances to address this situation is the development of comfort height toilets. These toilets look just like regular toilets, but they have a higher seat. This makes them easier to use with less bending and pain.
Is the Toilet Flushing Properly?
Another common reason people replace their toilets is due to flushing issues. If the toilet does not completely flush away waste material, that’s obviously distressing. On the other hand, there are some toilets – especially older ones – that use way too much water per flush. That’s expensive and wasteful. In either case, toilet replacement is the most sensible option.